onsdag 23. april 2014

Revolver with texture

Here is the finished revolver complete with diffuse, normal and specular. I'm really happy with how it turned out, especially since this is my first attempt at making a gun, so I will definately make more.

søndag 20. april 2014

Revolver for our game

These last few weeks I've been working on an item for our upcoming game, which is a revolver. I'm not going to say what the revolver will be used for or any other spoilers from the game, but I would like to show off my progress in the coming posts. Here it is, with ambient occlusion.

Brand new blog

Who am I?

My name is Andreas Stavaas and I'm from Trondheim, Norway. I'm 28 years old and my favourite hobby is playing video games. I've never blogged before, so this is pretty new to me, but I'll do my best to keep this blog updated.
Currently I'm a modeler for an indie developer called Rubycone, working on our first game, which is yet to be announced.



What do I do?

I've been modding games for a few years, starting out with level design and then taking the leap over to modeling and texturing, which is where I've preoccupied myself with these last years.
Since I've been modeling for a number of different mods, pictures of my work is scattered all over the internet, which makes it hard to show off what I can do.
Therefore I've decided to start this blog, and post my work here, so it can be easily located and used as a type of showreel.